The moon is a loyal companion. It never leaves.

It’s always there, watching, steadfast, knowing us in our light and dark moments, changing forever just as we do.

|| Taherah Mafi

Our life is governed by nature's rhythms, whether we are conscious of them or not.
The rise and fall of the sun, the changing of the seasons, and the waxing and waning of the moon; these rhythms exert their influence on us and I have found that when we align ourselves with their magic we can source more creativity and insight from our daily lives.
I have had a lifelong relationship with the moon and I would love to take you on a journey through a full lunar cycle so that I might share some of what I have learned with you.
My hope is that this program would inspire you to cultivate your own lunar wisdom practices, inspired by the quality of attention you will bring to the natural rhythms that play upon your body, mind, and heart.

Program Outline

Moon Magic is an invitation to take a month long journey through the lunar cycle. This course has been designed to support you in the practices of lunar tracking, self reflection, and personal ritual.

In our month together we will explore the creative potential of six primary moon phases. The six phases we will work with in this program are -

  • New Moon || Attune
  • Waxing Crescent || Invoke
  • Waxing Moon || Initiate
  • Full Moon || Express
  • Waning Moon || Refine
  • Waning Crescent || Release

Each phase has something unique to offer us and we will deepen our intimacy with these phases by working with archetypal symbolism, personal inquiry, meditative practice, plant medicine and simple ritual.

I will share a variety of teachings, practices and reflections with you and you will be encouraged to explore whatever feels most resonant for you.

Who is this Course For?

This program is open to all lovers of the moon and anyone who is interested in developing a personal relationship to its cycles and phases -

This program is ideal for you if you -

  • want to deepen your connection with the moon
  • have an affinity for working with symbolism
  • are seeking inspiration for your creative life
  • enjoy self reflection practices
  • have a reverence for the natural world
  • are curious about tarot & plant medicine work

Dates and Details

Program Begins: February 9th 2024
Program Delivery: The teachings in this program will be delivered through a mixture of pre-recorded video lessons, guided meditations and live online classes.
Live Class Details: This program includes 6 x 1-hour live classes held on Zoom. All live classes are recorded for later viewing and will be made available on the same day. The live classes will be held at various times throughout the month and you will receive the schedule for these classes when you sign up.

Moon Magic

Deepen your personal relationship with the moon through practices of lunar tracking, simple plant medicine practices & self-reflection

Sacred Symbolism

Work with myth and tarot to unlock deeper insight through the use of archetypal symbolism and divination practice

Personal Ritual

Craft personal rituals that are meaningful to you and are inspired by your own developing relationship with the moon